
Research Gateway, a think tank specializing in Monitoring, Evaluation and Research under Congolese law, created in January 2023 and is regularly registered in the Trade and Movable Credit Register under number CD/GOM/RCCM/23-B-00002 with offices in Kinshasa and Goma. Its priority objectives are to collect data, summarize it and convert it into useful information to facilitate decision-making and the sustainability of actions.
Research Gateway est un cabinet de premier choix pour les enquêtes initiales et finales des projets d’assistance humanitaire, les études socio-économiques, les études environnementales, les enquêtes CAP, les enquêtes nutritionnelles...
Research Gateway currently includes innovative counterfactual methods and models in impact assessment processes for humanitarian emergency and development projects, and in qualitative and quantitative data collection processes. The firm provides specialized training in monitoring and evaluation, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Expertise sectors

Research Gateway carries out studies and assessments in the following sectors:

  • Agriculture
  • Health
  • Environment
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Conflict management
  • Livelihoods
  • Nutrition
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Climate Change
  • Education
  • Gender
  • Good governance